LiTtLe GirLs WitH DrEaMs BeCoMe WoMeN WitH ViSiOn!

girl RP loves Jesus!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

perseverance is everything

Last night, I couldn't sleep, I was affected by the whole incident yesterday. The feeling I had was worst that failing my test with an F grade. I woke up today feeling lost and trying to gain back my courage in doing well in bowling. I read the papers the whole morning and found an article on the last page of toaday's recruit section about setting the right pace, the word P-erception and passion,A-ttitude, C-ommitment,E-nergy,S-elf-regulation,E-nriching environment, T-argeting, T-rust,E-fficacy,R-esponsibility. This article spoke to me a lot and I pondered deeply intot the examples and the meaning of the the entire passage which was very similar to what I am facing right now. Michelle called me and we went to collect our pay and then went bowling at kim seng with her 3 other friends. It was a wonderful time bowling with them. I played 6 games in total, scoring 120,133,132,160,145,141 and we bet that the loser had to treat the winner drinks. Haha! My score was in the middle and siqi treated dextor a drink! WhoooHOO.. hahaz.. =) About 5 plus, michelle and siqi left the alley. I was left with the 3 guys. I bowled with them and we bet that the loser had to treat the winner drinks. haha. I won the game! I did not succumb to the guys and won!! hahaa =P so happy, Jun Hao still owes me a drink! Thinking of it once again, I was overjoyed! I could see that I improved a lot today in terms of my finishing and the follow through movement and the bending of knees and back leaning forwards over the knee. I managed to spare and close many frames as possible today. It was great! I think that its the environment and the people that I bowled with, that made my day glad. I am looking forward to bowl with you guys again! That's all for today folks.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

what a disappointment!

I woke up awaiting for the tournament to commence. when I reached the bowling alley, I could feel the pressure in the alley's atmosphere. The roll of began, I was grouped with 3 other girls whose bowling skills are up to standard. The lane beside me was the school team players. It was a 4 series game and I scored 102, 130, 136 and 131. I was so disappointed with my scores as I had performed below expectations. I wasn't consistent in sparing for all my frames and the lane oiling was lesser than usual today, therefore I could not hook that much as I could. After the 4 series game ended, the coach gathered us and announced those people who are able to join the school team members to practice for the POLY-ITE tournament which is forthcoming. My name was not called out, my heart sank, because I knew I tried my best despite the lousy scores. At that moment, my hopes were shattered and my mood dampened. No words could express the secret agony of my soul. When my friend name was called out, I couldn't imagine that she was selected as her scores were worst than mine. Even though, she is on probation in the school team, I just can't understand what makes her to stay put in the school team. I am extremely vexed now. I think it's totally unfair. I want an explanation to all these! I was so fed- up at that very moment and just walked out of the bowling alley and ate lunch alone and went home there-after. Downpour near my place and I was stucked in the rain, I could feel that the time is flying pass by very slowly, every second ticking away, I thought about the incident above and I tried to stifle my sobs waiting for the rain to stop.

Should I quit bowling ? or persevere on and show the coach that I can do it, through christ nothing is impossible! ?